
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Homeschooling ~ First Day!!

Some of you may know or not know that I have decided to homeschool Kalee and Gracee this year! Today was our first day. I really think that once I get the hang of this I will enjoy it! I am excited and the girls are too, they couldn't go to sleep last night knowing we were going to be starting school this morning.

We got off to kinda a rough start though....David downloaded the printer stuff for me last night but we didn't test it out so this morning when I went to go print out what I needed I couldn't. So I called him and he walked me through what I needed to do. And an hour later we were able to start school! It was a bit challenging to figure out what to do with Avree while I was teaching the girls. She demands a lot of attention these days. First I put her in the chair to color and that wasn't I took her down and she was mad that I was not holding her and playing with her! I put her down for a nap about 30 min after we started and we were able to finish before she woke up. I am thinking we will need to do most of the stuff while she is down for her nap! Hopefully as she gets older it will be a bit easier!!!

Anyway, first day is down and we are going to be trying to different things out to see what works for us, but so far so good. I am excited!!!


  1. Congrats on your first day of homeschooling!! We are starting our 3rd year Sept. 1st. and I am super excited! If you ever have any questions, let me know...I'm no expert, but I love homeschooling!!

  2. I hope it gets easier for you. I'm sure you'll get the details figured out soon enough.
