
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Growth Stimulation Test

Paxton's hgh test went a lot better that I had imagined. We got there a little early and let him walk around the floor for a little while. Then we went into a room with a huge window, it was great because Pax loved looking out the window. When they put the IV's in he was mad, I think he was more upset that he was being held down though. Once they put what we called the "IV house" in. He hated it and kept telling us that he wanted it off! He slept for about an hour which was nice because he did not like it when they came back to get more blood. The nurses were fantastic. One even brought him a "spider stuffed animal" I think the nurse was hoping she would not get the "stink eye" from him anymore. But it didn't help. He wasn't happy with her and pretty much anybody who came in the room got his "stink eye" lol. We were all done at about 11:30am, didn't take as long as I thought either! Thank Goodness.

                                                    Daddy and Pax watching cartoons before his "IV House" was put in.
                                                   Daddy and Pax after he went to sleep.

                                                    Daddy and Pax after the test was over. He got 7up and crackers!

                                          The "IV House"

                                                   My sleepy boy after the test on the way home.

                                                        Pax watching TV on mommy's phone!

                                                    Pax looking outside the huge window!

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